Why we decided to build Clofio

In today's highly commoditized public cloud landscape, delivering software as a service has become the de facto standard. With numerous benefits like smooth scalability, reduced IT overhead and making them accessible to a wider audience, global SaaS market has seen a massive growth in size and adoption over last few years.

During our time of building and delivering enterprise SaaS products professionally, we came across a few prominent, operational challenges of managing SaaS. We discussed with our peers in the industry and discovered that they are not isolated, but more common across many organizations which are building on public cloud and using SaaS tools themselves internally. Let's take a closer look -

- Increasing numbers of SaaS tools used by development teams

With the abundance of SaaS offerings across all facades of software development workflow, we have the power to choose best-of-breed solutions for a specific task. On the hind side, this also introduces a large number of tools that a single team use on a regular basis. Today, organizations use an average of 15+ SaaS tools. Many popular SaaS tools used to develop and deliver modern software backend come with usage-based pricing model. While this gives Dev teams power to seamlessly scale applications on-demand, on the cost side, this makes the predictability of cloud spend way more challenging.

- Fragmented visibility into overall cloud spend

With this many tools in the arsenal, it becomes a challenge for leadership and other key decision makers to understand at a single glance what is the overall spend in operating their product in Cloud. This view is either prepared by Finance or DevOps team on Excel sheets, or through bespoke tools built in-house, which either require repetitive human efforts or become hard-to-maintain codebase with ever changing cloud landscape. In most cases, these reports are available at the end of the billing cycle, long after an out-of-line spike happens in the cloud spend pattern.

- Lack of access to cloud cost data

Almost all enterprise software is a large and complex connected system behind-the-scene. Building such architecture in cloud includes many different technologies, many of them being 3rd party managed SaaS platform themselves. A single deployment can impact all of them at once. Now you can imagine, how a small issue in the new feature you deployed or the experiments you ran, can snowball into your cloud bill. However, cloud cost dashboards are inherently treated as admin function and a very small subset of developers who interact with these systems on a daily basis have access to them. More often than not, a developer has no clue how their actions are impacting the cloud bill, until they are notified by the admins.

The core idea behind building Clofio was stemmed from these persistent issues faced by organizations of all size and type. We believe they need a consistent and coherent solution and have designed the platform to address them head-on. The principle we are building Clofio on is simplicity, so that you get the most important metrics that matter to you to take a decision, without a steep learning curve and efforts to dig through complex analytics. Here are a few reasons why Clofio is the tool you need for Cloud Spend Management -

- Consolidates Cloud Spend data from across multiple cloud platforms and SaaS tools into a single place

- Provides a consistent approach to allocate budgets and track spend against it, across the organization

- Empowers everyone to access Spend data, with the right set of governance (you see data for your teams only)

- Builds single-pane-of-glass visibility of spend data for key decision makers across all teams/departments

Clofio is available in Private Beta and we are welcoming new customers to try the platform out. During the Beta phase, we will work closely with our cohort of Beta customers to understand their challenges with existing landscape, and shape Clofio in a way that brings the most suitable solution to these situations. In this process, our aim is to mature Clofio's offerings to best cater the diversified cost optimization objectives of various organizations, rather than sitting as another reporting tool that few understand fully.

If you are looking at a similar set of problems in your organization and evaluating Cloud Spend Management platforms, we would be happy to walk you through a detailed demo of Clofio and explore how it can benefit you.

Send us your queries via this form or write to us via hello@clofio.com

Atanu Roy

Cofounder and CEO
September 17, 2024
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