The Half Truth of Cloud Bills

Cloud Bills are notorious for being complex and vague. While it gives you just enough information about where you are spending money, pinpointing this cost to the actual infrastructure you run becomes an uphill task.

As an engineering leader, you would want to have a clear picture of how each of your infrastructure components contribute to cost, so that you can optimize them correctly. However, with lack of resource level visibility in native cloud cost explorers, this becomes a guess work. A few things start playing against your interest, like -

❗ you need to do manual (read tedious) work to gather the cost data you want to see, taking away precious bandwidth from elsewhere
❗ you can't do it often, resulting in outdated data and delay in responding to cost incidents
❗ you need to do it for every cloud tool separately, multiplying the size of the effort required
❗you need to learn cost data formats for each tool, all of them being entirely different

As a result, cloud cost analysis loses its place among your list of priorities, until something is really under fire. Even when it under fire, you spend one time effort to manually dig into the data, and as soon as it is taken care of, the continuous cost analysis efforts take a backseat.

While building Clofio, we wanted to build a better way of how Engineering teams look at their cloud cost data. Like any other metrics from a cloud infrastructure, it had to be continuously observable and the data needed to be accessible to everyone in the team. With that in mind, we designed a platform that empower engineers to understand the true cost of ownership for the infrastructure they run, in a way that makes most sense to them.

Clofio enables engineering teams to have continuous and real-time visibility into the cost of individual infrastructure components, grouped by your business goals. And it works for all cloud platforms and SaaS tools in your arsenal.

Are you an Engineering Leader looking to gain better visibility into your cloud cost? We can help!

Connect to us for a Product Demo, or Signup for the product.

Atanu Roy

Co-founder and CEO, Clofio
September 17, 2024
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