Is Your Infrastructure Team doing Cloud Cost Management

Infra teams spend 10 person days on an average every month working on cloud cost related items. For larger organizations, this effort could be much bigger.

They are already overburdened with N number of mission critical jobs - keep the production up and running 24X7, deploy the cool features dev team built and tested, patch security fixes on time, monitor and respond to incidents - the list goes on. The last thing you want to do is to add one more item to their list. Still, cloud cost happens to be that item.

Analysis and optimization of cloud cost has emerged as a top priority for organizations. Over 82% of them rank it at the top, surpassing other items like security and governance. And often, infra team is given the responsibility of executing this task. A common list of To-Do for them looks like this -
✔prepare consolidated cost reports and send out to decision makers
✔build dashboards to ingest and visualize granular cost data
✔identify and implement optimization at infrastructure level
✔configure alert on cost anomalies and take action on it
✔follow up with development counterparts to investigate and fix application level inefficiencies

A large share of cloud cost related effort goes into either manual and recurring work - preparing cost reports and sending it to all stakeholders, or in reinventing the wheel - building in-house cost analysis tooling by writing ad-hoc scripts and stitching them together. Both approaches bring critical issues that make it hard to scale -

❗manual work brings dependency on human skill, is not real-time and prone to error
❗in-house tooling requires investment in terms of skill and time, hard to maintain and doesn't scale well with the growing set of cloud tools used by dev teams

While building Clofio, we thought about it ground up and identified the areas which is common practice for all organizations. Then we brought it as a product feature, so that individual organizations don't have to do this from scratch. While a lot of cloud cost decisions are contextual and deeply rooted into the architectural decisions taken within that organization, Clofio aims to be the trusted wingman of infrastructure team, providing right set of data to them, so they can focus on decision making instead of data gathering.

Are you also reinventing the cloud cost wheel at your organization? Talk to us to find out.

Connect to us for a Product Demo, or Signup for the product.

Atanu Roy

Co-founder and CEO, Clofio
September 17, 2024
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