Cloud Cost Management : The Bottom-Up Efficiency

The typical approach for controlling Cloud Cost are bound to lead to sub-optimal results. Most organizations are either already in it, or are about to enter the cloud cost spiral.

If you can relate with the below, then you are following a top-down approach, and are mostly struggling to achieve desired results.

1. Cloud spend data visible to a select few within the company.

2. This elite group identifies potential cost-saving opportunities and then communicates these findings to others.

3. Those who are supposed to act on findings, do not have access to the real data.

Problems with this approach-

1. High and unreasonable expectations from a small group

2. Misplaced ownership

3. Apathy and inaction

If you are a senior executive/manager, and can relate with the above - then I have a simple solution for you. DELEGATE.

The solution is to enable team members to have visibility into cost data. They should be able to view the details of cost per service, per day, per region. They should also have visibility into allotted budgets.

Benefits of this approach-

1. Better savings with increased accountability as engineers understand the impact of their decisions and can make more cost-effective choices.

2. Shared responsibility leads to everybody in top-management being focused on more strategic tasks rather than managing costs.

3. Enhanced transparency and trust leading to openness and more innovation.

With platforms like Clofio - it becomes easy to give controlled access which achieves true bottom-up cost management. Clofio integrates seamlessly with development tool-chain (IDEs, Ticket tracking tools, messaging apps, etc.) . So Cost data is at finger tips of developers. The immediate and continuous feedback enables them to compare performance against targets. This enables them to take actions to optimize costs.

Most importantly - as mentioned above - this enables the senior management and the whole organization to be more strategic.

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