Cloud FinOps : A 3 step guide to set it up.

Three research stats which will explain why FinOps is important -

- FinOps can reduce cloud costs by 30%

- Approximately 80% of cloud cost waste is because of lack of Cloud Cost Governance

- FinOps fosters collaboration between Finance and IT teams improving organization's output by 25%

We will try to understand what is Cloud FinOps. And a simplified three step guide to setup cloud finops in an organization.

Cloud FinOps is applying financial management principles to control cloud costs through collaboration, governance, and continuous improvement.

FinOps is like the F1 pit crew for your F1 race car. It keeps your car running smoothly and efficiently. It makes sure the right sectors of race track are dealt with right aggression. This is done by appropriate resource allocation across your organization, and constantly fine-tuning the expenses.

How to setup cloud finops in your organization-

Step 1: Start Simple

> Visibility: Gaining clear insights into cloud spending across your organization is crucial. This allows informed decision-making and identifies areas for cost reduction. At small scale, at the start - this can be a manual activity conducted at regular intervals within the organization.

Step 2: Continuous Improvement

Focus on two aspects - Integrations and Optimization.

> Integration:  Connect your cloud costs to your business data. Remember, we are talking about $s. Tracking only 90% is not good enough. You never know where the next leakage will be, and how hard it will hit you. So, always track 100% cloud costs.  

> Optimization: This is an ongoing process of identifying and implementing cost-saving measures. It includes rightsizing resources and automating tasks. Regularly review your cloud FinOps practices and adapt them to changing needs. Measure progress and strive for continuous cost optimization and efficiency.

Step 3: Long Term Goals

Focus on two advanced aspects - Governance and Driving Accountability.

Shared Responsibility: Easy collaboration between diverse teams is critical. Not all teams are technical. But all teams are concerned with costs. IT and Business, both sides own cloud costs and work together. Shared responsibility the foundation for a successful FinOps culture.

Governance & Budgeting: Establishing clear policies and budgets for cloud usage prevents uncontrolled spending. Identify a platform where budgets and spends are transparent and accurately showcased.  

Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all. Each organization will have to identify and customize their approach. But having a right Cloud FinOps framework is critical to harmonious functioning of software development team.

Ambar Bokare

Co-founder and COO, Clofio
September 17, 2024
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